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💵 Adopt This Freelance Money Mindset To Explode Your Results 💵

Paul Mendes • Oct 01, 2020

Take a look all around you, there's money always flowing.

increase your cashflow as a freelancer

Ask yourself:

  • Who's got my money?
  • Who can I provide my services to?
  • Who can I reach out to today?
  • How can I expand my network?

Adapt this “who’s got my money” mindset and you'll see how it can open more doors to abundance in your life. 

Who's Got My Money?

money mindset cashflow as a freelancer

The phrase "Who's got my money?"  is a very well known saying by none other than Uncle G, Grant Cardone.

What he means by this, is that no one has the ability to physically
make or create money.

Money is
someone else's before it becomes yours.

You go out and
you earn money from people by trading the value you can provide for them.

This is accomplished by
connecting with other people who have your money.

As you can see, making more money as a freelancer or entrepreneur is more dependent on other people than yourself.

This is really a secret of the wealthy and a mindset shift that can open the door to more abundance in your life. Money really does make the world go around!

Focusing on how to provide value for others who are in a position to purchase your product or service is the exact way to increase your income, no matter what industry you are in.

There's a saying out there that says:

"If you want to make a million dollars, help a million people."

When you ask yourself "Who's got my money?" every single day, it put's you in the best position to impact the right people.

That in return will be reflected by the amount of success you have and the quality of life you build for yourself and your family.

Stop Holding Yourself Back

stop holding yourself back as an entrepreneur

Many people are holding themselves back without even knowing it.

Want to know how to stop holding yourself back?

Stop thinking from a fear and contraction mindset.


Instead, spend your energy on people you know who you can provide immense value to and the money will increase and follow.

It may sound easier said than done, but when you break it down it's actually quite simple.

Look all around you. There's money always flowing.

By doing this, you are putting yourself in the best positions in every area of your life. (career, family, health)

You will be amazed how quickly
you can increase the quality of your life and income once you apply these principles into your daily routine.

Rather than continuing to hold yourself back from reaching the next milestone in your career and making excuses...

Spend more time getting in front of people that can propel you forward in your career, and in your life.

Contraction Mindset vs Expansion Mindset 

mindset of success

There are two different mindsets in which people can operate from.

  1. From a contraction and fear based mindset
  2. From an expansion and positivity based mindset

If you are always contracting, you are making decisions from a fear stand point where you don’t want to lose anything. You may be worried about what the unknown future holds and this can be a scary feeling.

On the other hand,
when you are taking actions to expand yourself, your business, and your relationships, you are expanding your possibilities and the money and success will follow.

When you operate from an expansion mindset, you train your brain to see the opportunities around you. The world in which you live in is shaped by your perspective.

Problems will start to arise if your belief in yourself isn’t strong enough. You must believe in yourself that you can become successful, and be confident in yourself that you have the ability to make an extra $1k-$10k a month.

This is possible because the only limit from making that income is yourself.

By believing that you can, doors will open and abundance will start flowing in...but only if you take the consistent actions that are needed to succeed.

Don’t let the contracting mind limit you from all the opportunities waiting for you. 

If you master your ability to think and react from an expansion mindset rather than a contraction mindset, you will always be able to seek out and take advantage of the opportunities that are all around, no matter what conditions are taking place for others.

Focusing on developing a specific skill you can service to others is your best bet, because it has the best success rate, and you can get control of your time and your revenue by being your own boss. 

When you do this, you will have the ability to advance your income to however much you desire – and that’s a beautiful thing that providing your own skills can do for you in your life.

The Negative Effects Of Being Too Frugal

the negative effects of being too frugal

With the internet, there are unlimited ways to start earning more for yourself.  You don’t have to limit yourself from buying certain things that reward you for all your hard work that you do.

Things such as Starbucks, brands you like, vacations with your family, or even that dream car you’ve always wanted.

You work hard and there’s no reason you should have to cut off things you need or want.

If you keep your attention on continuing to advance your career, connections, and your income, then you can provide yourself and your family everything that you want to.

However, if all your energy is focused on conserving what you have, then you are turning your back to the growth and opportunities out there. Not to mention you will be living a more unenjoyable life like that.

Pinching pennies should never be more important than earning more.

There comes a point where you can only cut your budget so much.

This money is not yours, and you will never allow yourself to get anything your dreams desire with this contracting mindset of holding on to every penny. 

Instead, learn how to invest into yourself and your skill set so you can increase your value to the marketplace. Never stop learning.

The truth is, everyday people choose to not spend money on something that could change their lives. Such as an education, investment opportunities, or a new business venture. 

They get so wrapped up in daily financial decisions that they forget about
the bigger picture.

Instead of being extremely frugal, clipping coupons, and wishing you will win the lottery...

Focus your energy on
building your wealth by earning more money so that you can provide more for yourself, your family, and your community.

build more wealth for your community

In Conclusion:

There’s one last quote that says

“What you put out is what you will get back”

My interpretation of this quote is that the actions you take everyday ultimately shape your future.

If you are being ruled by a limiting and fear-based mindset, it limits the possibilities for you to create the life and income you deserve.

Once you break this cycle, you will start to gain the awareness that you can change your own perception, and even start to create your own reality.

It’s these very thoughts and actions that get projected into the world, and like a boomerang it will come back to you.

Just like that boomerang, the money and people will follow when you start to put out great services you can provide for others, and in harmonious exchange you will receive abundance.

So go out there and apply these principles and start by asking yourself
“who’s got my money?” 

Watch how this mindset will allow you to earn so much more and create the life you want. 👍

Leave a comment down below about how this mindset shift helps you!

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