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How To Start Freelancing From Home Right Now

Paul Mendes • Oct 09, 2020

There has never been a better time than now to make freelancing a part of your life. 

Over 54 million Americans have taken the leap from their traditional job to a freelancing lifestyle. Continue to read down below to find out how you can do the same!

freelance from home

Understanding What Freelancing Is

work from home as a freelancer

First, you will want to understand what exactly Freelancing is. Freelancing is for anyone who wants to be self-employed and wants to create the life they desire. Whether you’re a mom, a retiree, employed, a college graduate, etc, freelancing can be a career for you. In fact, every age group has taken an interest in freelancing and have made it their career.

every age chooses freelancing upwork infographic

Freelancing is where you are working online from your home or anywhere you want. Freelancers go online to help business owners with tasks they don't have time for or don't know how to do.

Freelancing is also a very flexible position to have because you can do all your freelance tasks on your own time. This makes it very easy for anyone to fit freelancing into their life, even if they have a 9-5 job right now and want to start freelancing as a side hustle.

The freelancing lifestyle provides a multitude of benefits, such as:


  • The freedom of being your own boss


  • Working from anywhere you want


  • The ability to increase your earning potential


  • You pick your own schedule and can work Full-time or Part-Time


  • More flexibility and control in your life


  • You get to work on projects that excite you


  • You set your own hours each day and can spend more time with family


It's no surprise that freelancing has become a popular trend and more and more people are choosing this way of working.

With the entire marketplace shifting towards doing business online, the demand for freelancers has significantly gone up and is projected to continue skyrocketing.


Since freelancers get paid by offering their services to clients online, they get to work with all kinds of different businesses and on projects that are exciting. Freelancers have this option because they have the freedom to choose who they want to work with. They also get to choose different kinds of projects to work on as well.


If a freelancer doesn’t like the job, once they finish the project they can go to a different client. They are never tied down or strapped to one boss or project.


Another advantage of being a freelancer is you only need a handful of clients to succeed. By getting experience in different kinds of skills, you will find where your talents lie and learn a lot along the way.

The more value you can offer to clients, the more money you can make as a freelancer!


As a freelancer, you set your own prices and have the ability to raise your rates over time as you gain more experience and knowledge. Once being a freelancer outperforms your day job earnings, you can explore the option of freelancing full-time.

The Mentality Of A Successful Freelancer

stop holding yourself back as an entrepreneur

To be your own boss, you need to have an expansive mindset. You must stay open to always learning and adapting. View life through the lens of abundance.  Opportunities are anywhere and everywhere you look.


You need to be in control of your mind because if not, your mind can start to make you doubt your abilities. It can make you doubt the opportunities around that can catapult you to success. It can even make you doubt yourself and you owe abilities, which is something as known as imposter syndrome.


You have to get past that limiting mindset. Freelancing is a very rewarding way of living once you push forward through all the doubt you may encounter within or around you.

Pro Tip: Only surround yourself with other like-minded people or people that are in the position you want to be in. You can use this to influence and inspire yourself.


Also, get started by asking yourself these questions:


  • Who's got my money?

  • Who can I provide my services to?

  • Who can I reach out to today?

  • How can I expand my network?


By having this “who’s got my money” mentality you will see how it will start to attract more clients and abundance in your life. I talk more about this specific mindset in more detail here. 


With that being said, freelancing is not for everyone, and it requires the right freelance mindset in order to achieve success. Just like with any business venture you embark on as an entrepreneur, there will be days where you face challenges and need to overcome obstacles. This is a natural part of life and business.

While working from home is fun and relaxing, it can get disorganized quickly if you don't have discipline. Being your own boss means you are responsible of yourself and getting your tasks done. You can work on your own time, but this does not mean that you don't have to work as much.

The amount of work you put is how much you will get out.

Adopting these mentalities will help put you in the best position possible as you begin freelancing. Always remember that being self-disciplined and optimistic will help you strive forward through anything you may face as you set out on your freelancing journey.

The Financial Security Of Freelancing

leaving job for freelancing

If you are looking into freelancing for the first time, it's normal to wonder if freelancing is secure. Compared to the “safety net” you may think you have when in a 9-5 job....the truth is, having a corporate job is not secure at all. It can be taken from you at any moment if your boss decides you are no longer needed.

You are also at mercy to the market and economy. For example, if factors outside of your control change and your business has to lay off an entire department, you are out of luck.

If the company you work for goes out of are you.


So why are there people still working their 9-5 job even after knowing that? It's because some people hold themselves back from ever leaving their "comfy job position" even if the pay is less.


They settle working under conditions such as:


  • Strict guidelines


  • Company politics


  • Uncomfortable uniforms


  • Restricted salary increases


  • Set schedules & limited time off


All too often, people limit themselves from ever trying something new because of their false sense of security. They will complain about how they hate their job but won't do anything to fix it. This is exactly why only a select number have what it takes to become their boss.


The freelancing lifestyle requires you to be bold, brave, eager, and ready for anything. Running your own business is not easy and requires you to boss up.


Once you have proven to yourself that you can earn money online as a freelancer it puts you in a more powerful position in life. If any unexpected expense come up, you now have the ability to go online and land another paying client.


As a freelancer, your salary is never capped like it is in a corporate job. When you work for yourself, you can earn how much you want. Being in control of your earnings and working for yourself actually makes freelancing an overall more stable and secure career path as opposed to a typical corporate position.


Gone are the days as an employee where you have to settle for a set salary and small yearly bonuses. Once you become a freelancer, you can get paid for the work that you put in. It is a satisfying position to be in, to know all the hard work that you do is paid off when you are a freelancer.


Once you escape the trap of having a single flow of income and build multiple flows of income, the more freedom and security you will be able to create in your life.


“Doesn’t have multiple sources of income and multiple money-making skills sound less risky than putting all your eggs in one employer’s basket? Freelancing lets you shift gears when the world does.”

- Sara Horowitz


For all the reasons above, many people who are unhappy with their nine to five jobs are beginning to flock to freelancing.

It makes sense, because freelancing is one of the most exciting and sensible side hustles you can start. With dedication and consistency, it can build a more secure future for yourself and your family.

freelancing earnings in the trillions

That is something that could never happen as an employee. You will always be building someone else’s empire, not your own. The security of when you're your own boss is priceless and is the ultimate true freedom.


As long as you stick with it, you will have complete control over your future and your earnings sooner than you know it.

Finding Skills That Best Fit You

in demand freelance skills

When you decide you'd like to be a freelancer, the first decisions you need to make is which in-demand skill you want to specialize in.

Picking the right skill to develop is crucial if you want to have a long-lasting freelance career or side hustle that is profitable...


  • When it comes to services, ask yourself what are you going to sell?


  • What is the skill that will allow me to have the life I've dreamed of?


Find a skill you best resonate with and can see yourself doing for a long time. For example, If you like writing, and could see yourself writing a blog, then check out copywriting.

If you enjoy creating graphics and images, graphic design is something to consider. If you’re more tech-savvy and you enjoy looking at charts, and numbers, you may want to look at online ad management.

The options of different freelance positions are unlimited. But be sure that the skill you are looking at developing is in HIGH demand so you will always be able to secure new clients.


Some of the most common freelance job opportunities are within online marketing, such as:


  • Online Ad Management


  • Graphic Design


  • Copywriting


  • Web Design / Development


  • Social Media Marketing

  • Etc.


If you would like to see more freelance job categories click here!

When you are deciding which skill to focus on, find a skill that sparks you up and spend your free time learning and start practicing that skill.

Once you build your side hustle up to a point where it's bigger than your job. That’s when you have some room where you can leave that first position if desired to continue building additional online flows.

If you want to improve your income situation and to start creating the life that you know you're meant to live, I encourage you to look at which freelance in-demand skills you can do right away.

If you are interested in learning what the top in-demand freelance skills are, I made a blog that goes over the top 3 profitable freelance skills you can learn at home in 2020 here.

Ways To Start Taking Action

become a freelancer now

Ready to take the next step? Come up with a clear action plan on how you want to start your own business by using these three steps.


Step 1: Decide


Step 2: Plan


Step 3: Execute


First, decide how far you want to go with your career and what income you desire. At the end of the day, it all adds up and every journey begins with the first action step.

If you are serious about getting started, start planning how you can fit freelancing into your weekly schedule. As soon as you secure your first paying client, you will see how everything in your life changes. That's when you will realize that YOU are in control of your destiny. But it all starts with taking action.


"What simple action could you take today to produce a new momentum toward success in your life?"

- Tony Robbins


It all starts by deciding you're going to do it, planning your next steps, and executing by taking action. Don't wait until it's too late to make a change in your life. Take action now so that you can create the life you want.

How To Fit Freelancing Into Your Daily Schedule

Next, decide how you are going to fit freelancing into your daily schedule. See what the best times of day are for you to focus and set aside time.


Are you a night owl and focus well at night?


Are you an early bird and can easily set your alarm an hour or two earlier?

This is a crucial part of planning out when you can fit freelancing into your day. Whether it’s waking up earlier before your 9-5 job, or setting time aside after work. You need to make the decision and put it on your schedule and stick to it for progress to be made.


You may think that you don't "have time" to get the momentum started with freelancing. But the truth is, you do, because you "create time" for what is important to you. We all have the same 24 hours everyday. It's up to you how you spend it.


Even if it's dedicating an hour a day to start freelancing or learning skills you can use to increase your income, it can have a BIG impact. As your income increases, you can start making more time for freelancing and eventually turn it into your full-time focus if you would like.

In conclusion:

freelance motivation

The opportunity to create the life you want and get paid for doing what you love is here. The best thing about freelancing is it doesn't have to be scary to get started. 


"I always did something I was a little not ready to do. I think that’s how you grow. When there’s that moment of, ‘Wow, I’m not sure I can do this,’ and you push through those moments, that’s when you have a breakthrough."


- Marissa Mayer, American businesswoman, and investor


Once you get the momentum going in creating the dream career you always wanted, the rewards and benefits will soon follow.

The best way to predict your future and earn the money you desire is by creating it for yourself. That is what becoming a freelancer can do for you.


Thank you for spending time improving your future. I am excited for you and I look forward to your future freelance success!


- Paul Mendes, Founder of Profitable Freelancer

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