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Why I Left My 9-to-5 For A Life Of Freelancing

Paul Mendes • Sep 09, 2020

In this blog I am going to be going over why I will never work a typical 9-to-5 job again.

I narrowed down three different reasons why I will never work a typical corporate job again:

#1 - Getting Stuck In The Corporate Matrix
#2 - Relying On A Single Flow Of Income
#3 - Trading Time For Money

When I was working all my different corporate positions in the past I always had this feeling deep in my soul. I craved a lifestyle where I had more freedom, flexibility in my schedule, could work from where I want, and earn more money.


If you resonate with any of the desires I mentioned above and if you have been:

  • Contemplating your job career

  • Not satisfied with the amount of money you are earning

  • Interested in taking advantage of the opportunities arising with working online 

Then an entrepreneurial life is a great fit for you as well!

#1 - The Corporate Matrix

corporate matrix, office, 9-to-5 job

Reason number one of why I will never work a 9-to-5 job again is because of The Corporate Matrix. When you’re entering the corporate world, you start on the bottom rung of the ladder. There's a lot of different things that come along with starting from the bottom, such as:

  • Your earning potential is lower

  • It takes years to rise through the ranks

  • There's a lot of rules and also politics that come into play

  • There’s constant negativity and gossip

  • Your time and energy can get drained quickly if you’re not in the right job meant for you

  • You have limited vacation time and flexibility with your work schedule

However, when you're an entrepreneur, you can make your own set of rules.

When you are an employee, you have to learn to act under a new set of rules within that specific corporation. Some of the rules are you need to clock in at a certain time, and clock out a certain time. You have to eat lunch at a certain time, and there are strict dress codes. In the corporate matrix, you're not meant to go outside of your role, to think of new ideas, or shake things up. That's not how a corporation works. 

When you're an employee, your job is to shut up and do your work. I know that sounds a little bit harsh but if you've been in a 9-to-5 position like this before you know that's how it is. A lot of times there are people above you and they tell you exactly what to do. If you start to get out of line you will start to get even more restrictions. This will knock you down, give you less freedom, and less ability to rise through the ranks anytime soon.


A lot of times people can get trapped into this corporate matrix, and end up getting their life sucked out of them. This is because when people are working on things they don’t care about, they end up getting:

  • Bored
  • Stuck in a loop
  • Depressed
  • Consumed by negativity

#2 - You Only Have One Flow of Income

cash flow cash burning multiple flows of income

Reason number two is because when you have a full-time corporate position, you only have one flow of income. When you only have one flow of income, you are actually:

  • Limiting your life-time earning potential

  • Putting all your eggs in one basket

  • Directly tied to economic conditions

Your life-time earning potential is severely limited at a 9-5 because of how much time, energy, and years it takes to work up to a high salary. In addition, as we’ve seen in this recession, it could all go overnight if something happens to the economy.

If you put all your eggs into a single basket, you are out of luck if the company goes out of business or if they decide to lay off or furlough workers. Many companies are also investing into remote-work based digital teams which puts you at risk of your position being outsourced to someone who can perform it cheaper remotely.

The worst part about having only one source of income is that when things happen in life and in business, it's all out of your control.

On the other end of the spectrum, by having multiple flows of income, you put yourself in a much better financial position, regardless of what state the economy is in.

This is why having multiple income sources is so crucial for your future financial situation.

#3 - Trading Your Time For Money

stuck at a corporate 9-5 job

Reason number three of why I will never work a 9-to-5 job again is because you're trading your time for money. Instead, you should trade your value for money.

Now you might be asking yourself well how do I do this? That is the same questions I started asking myself and why I built my own business. I started my entrepreneur journey while I had a 9-to-5 to build that foundation. By trading my value for money, I became a freelancer and it led me to build my profitable freelance business.


If you're asking yourself well what's wrong with trading time for money? If you trade time for money, you will be working every single day of your life until you die. That's the sad truth of the matter. Instead of only trading your time for money, it's important to learn how to make money in your sleep. The only way to do that is to be able to provide value to other companies, and to other businesses.


Even if you start to get raises and promotions at your 9-to-5 or on salary, you are still required to show up to the office those five days a week. You might get some vacation here and there, but otherwise with a 9-to-5 you're stuck with:

  • That position for a long time until any raises or promotions

  • The limited earning potential

  • The rules of the company

If something happens to the economy again, and you still have your 9-to-5 you are stuck. On top of that you're trading your time for money no matter what. Time is something you can't pay for to get back.

freelance before time is up work from home

Have you ever wondered what could be waiting for you beyond the corporate matrix? Time is precious, don't let your life keep passing by without exploring other options. If you ever wanted to be your own boss or change your career, listen to that desire.


I have always wanted to live life to the fullest and live on my terms. That's why I ditched the 9-to-5 world for a life of being a Profitable Freelancer.  I love being the creator of my own destiny. Once I let go of fear, I realized that there was no limit to creating the lifestyle I always dreamed of having.

Those are the three reasons why I'll never work a 9-to-5 job again.  I'm sure some of you are starting to resonate with this message and you might be feeling the same things as I did.

I remember looking out the window at my old job one Monday afternoon wondering how people were out on the streets while I had to be in the office. I would see people walking their dogs, having a nice brunch with their significant other, and driving around in nice cars.

When I dedicated myself to learning how to be one of those people, I quickly realized I had to stop trading my time for money.

The reason for that is, and (this is a secret of the wealthy) the wealthy know how to trade their value for money. 

When you escape the clock and can begin providing value to other companies, you will be able to start making money on your own terms while working from anywhere that you want.

You can do this by building your skill set and following that desire to be your own boss. Focus on developing in-demand skills that are tied to customer acquisition so you will always be able to land clients. You will also be able to walk your dog on that nice Monday afternoon instead of being in that office. ;)

In Conclusion: 

work from home make money online

That's why freelancing has changed my life. I know it has the ability to change millions of other people's lives too. It's no secret that the way the workforce and the economy is moving is more to a remote-work based position. 


That means you don't need to show up to the office every day. That is what's opening everyone's eyes to these new work from home opportunities. Especially ones that entrepreneurship and freelancing provide.


My name is Paul Mendes, Founder of Profitable Freelancer. If you liked this content, then be sure to look out for more Profitable Freelancer blogs to come. Also subscribe to my youtube channel. I am posting freelance tips, hacks, news, skill training, and much more.

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